Friday, December 14, 2007


Sorry for the lack of updates. I haven't had any interesting bowel movements lately.


Owen said...

JOCELYN I just had the most ridiculous poo, I honestly couldn't believe it. Ok first there was like a semi-solid piece that was, you know, pretty gross already since it wasn't totally solid, but not crazy.
THEN beside it, twice as big, was this seriously CRAZY ass looked like a very big pile of sludgy melted shit sundae and it was FLOATING on top of the water. It was fat and round; it didn't have the longish form of normal poo. It was really the most heinous thing to ever come out of my ass.

michelle said...


i had an extremely soft poo, dark and it came out like a thin rope

then i had diarrhea after.

the changes in consistency can be interesting