Saturday, April 26, 2008

Crouching Tiger, Bleeding Anus

Work has been busy so I haven't had time to update.
The other day there was a rumbling in my belly and I just knew it was going to be a good one yet I didn't bother to bring my cell phone with me to the lav. Turns out I was right. My rectum gave birth to a giant mother of a turd and in turn, she bore a little baby turd. It was quite adorable. The curvatures in my poops made it seem like they were holding each other too. A Kodak moment.

Here, we have today's bowel movement which is fresh out the anus.
I don't know what it is I've been eating lately but my number twos have been colossal.

1 comment:

Genie said...

LOLOLOLOL!!!!! this post made me laugh LOL.