Monday, January 24, 2011

Proctologist: A doctor who puts in a hard day at the orifice.

Nothing interesting to report today. I thought I had to unload some large cargo but it turned out I was just bloated. I sat down on the toilet expecting a big brown baby but instead let out some long, silent puffs and a couple of pellets. Disappointing. When I went to wipe, a little bean of a turd latched on to the toilet paper among some mucus and undigested chili flakes from the Korean food I had the night before.  I squished it with my fingers before I dropped it in the bowl and let it flush up to poo poo heaven.

In other colorectal news, I will be getting a sigmoidoscopy this week. Basically, a small camera will be inserted into my rectum to see what's going in there. I bet there's a huge party going on and I'm not invited. I'm never invited. :(

1 comment:

Owen said...

Pffffffffft. Pfft. Pffffft.
Plip. Plip.

(this is what the puffs'n'pellets sound like. Incidentally, "puffs'n'pellets" sounds like it could be dog food, or maybe cereal.)